Specific guide to adjusting the side mirrors, seat position, and steering wheel position in a few different types of vehicles

JAN 20, 2023

Specific guide to adjusting the side mirrors, seat position, and steering wheel position in a few different types of vehicles -
Correct mirror adjustment allows you to see vehicles in your blind spots, while the right seat and steering wheel position can help you to reach all controls comfortably and maintain good visibility.

Here is a more specific guide to adjusting the side mirrors, seat position, and steering wheel position in a few different types of vehicles:

It is important to adjust the side mirrors, seat position, and steering wheel position correctly because it can help you to see more clearly and drive more safely. Correctly adjusting the side mirrors allows you to see vehicles and objects in your blind spots, which can help you to change lanes safely and make turns. Adjusting the seat position to the right height and distance from the pedals allows you to reach all of the controls comfortably and maintain good visibility. Adjusting the steering wheel to the right height and distance from your body can help you to maintain a proper driving posture, which can reduce fatigue and help you to react more quickly to changes in traffic.

Sedan or Hatchback

Adjusting Side Mirrors:

  • Start by sitting in the driver's seat and looking at the center rearview mirror. Then, adjust it so that you can see the entire rear of the vehicle.
  • Next, adjust the left side mirror by sitting in the driver's seat and looking at the mirror. The mirror should be angled so you can see the entire left side of the vehicle, including the rear corner.
  • Finally, adjust the right side mirror in the same way, ensuring you can see the entire right side of the vehicle.

Adjusting Seat Position:

  • Slide the seat forward or backward until you can comfortably reach the pedals and steering wheel.
  • Adjust the seat back to a comfortable angle, and make sure that you have enough legroom.
  • If your vehicle has lumbar support, adjust it to support the natural curve of your lower back.

Adjusting Steering Wheel Position:

  • Adjust the steering wheel, so it is at a comfortable height and distance from your body.
  • Make sure that you have a clear view of the dashboard and road ahead.
  • If your vehicle has a tilted steering wheel, adjust it to a comfortable angle.


Pickup Truck

Adjusting Side Mirrors:

  • Start by sitting in the driver's seat and looking at the center rearview mirror. Then, adjust it so that you can see the entire rear of the vehicle.
  • Next, adjust the left side mirror by sitting in the driver's seat and looking at the mirror. The mirror should be angled so that you can see the entire left side of the vehicle, including the rear corner.
  • Finally, adjust the right side mirror in the same way, making sure that you can see the entire right side of the vehicle.

Adjusting Seat Position:

  • Slide the seat forward or backward until you can comfortably reach the pedals and steering wheel.
  • Adjust the seat back to a comfortable angle, and make sure that you have enough legroom.
  • If your vehicle has lumbar support, adjust it to support the natural curve of your lower back.

Adjusting Steering Wheel Position:

  • Adjust the steering wheel so that it is at a comfortable height and distance from your body.
  • Make sure that you have a clear view of the dashboard and road ahead.
  • If your vehicle has a tilted steering wheel, adjust it to a comfortable angle.


Cargo Van

Adjusting Side Mirrors:

  • Start by sitting in the driver's seat and looking at the center rearview mirror. Then, adjust it so that you can see the entire rear of the vehicle.
  • Next, adjust the left side mirror by sitting in the driver's seat and looking at the mirror. The mirror should be angled so that you can see the entire left side of the vehicle, including the rear corner.
  • Finally, adjust the right side mirror in the same way, making sure that you can see the entire right side of the vehicle.

Adjusting Seat Position:

  • Slide the seat forward or backward until you can comfortably reach the pedals and steering wheel.
  • Adjust the seat back to a comfortable angle, and make sure that you have enough legroom.
  • If your vehicle has lumbar support, adjust it to support the natural curve of your lower back.

Adjusting Steering Wheel Position:

  • Adjust the steering wheel so that it is at a comfortable height and distance from your body.
  • Make sure that you have a clear view of the dashboard and road ahead.
  • If your vehicle has a tilted steering wheel, adjust it to a comfortable angle.

Some additional considerations for adjusting the elements in a cargo van:

  • Ensure that the side mirrors are correctly adjusted to provide a clear view of the entire rear and sides of the van, as the larger vehicle size may require a wider field of view.
  • If you frequently transport heavy loads in the cargo van, consider adjusting the seat height to allow for better visibility over the load.
  • If the cargo van has a raised driving position, adjust the steering wheel and pedals to allow for a comfortable driving position.

Remember to double-check your adjustments and make any necessary changes before you begin driving. It's also a good idea to adjust these elements every time you get into the vehicle, as different drivers may have different preferences. 

Adjusting the side mirrors, seat position, and steering wheel position correctly is important for safe driving. Correct mirror adjustment allows you to see vehicles in your blind spots, while the right seat and steering wheel position can help you to reach all controls comfortably and maintain good visibility. Ensuring these adjustments are made before driving can help you to drive more safely and comfortably. Remember, safety should always come first when driving.

All images used in this blog are courtesy of @Steve Freling.